Agrosymbiose, carnet digital de gestion agricole



Don avec contrepartie

APP digitale au service des agriculteurs, pour améliorer leur qualité de vie et les aider dans leur engagement avec l'environnement


Louveciennes, France




8 455 €

sur 10 000 €

Projet financé !

Le 24 janvier 2021

English Translation

Agrosymbiose, the digital handbook for agriculture management

Digital handbook helping farmers save time, improve their yield and profitability while  reducing their ecological footprint.


Engaged for the Planet:


Good morning all,

I am Cristina and with my 12 years old son Unai, we live in Yvelines, France. We love to enjoy Nature in all its forms: the countryside, the forests, the animals, the sea, the mountains ... and so much more. We have always been committed to the Planet and, today, even more.

The Covid-19 crisis brought us to think about what we, as individuals, could do to protect our Planet, while helping those who worked so hard and tirelessly, during the lockdown, to feed us every day, ... the FARMERS. 


We need them, as much as they need us. And that's how our project was born.

AGROSYMBIOSE - What is it precisely?

Our project is born from the symbiosis of agriculture with new technologies to help farmers in their daily work.

We have surrounded ourselves with a team of professionals and advisers from different horizons (environment, technology, agriculture, finance, etc). There strong commitment in protecting the environment and the future of our planet brought us together.


And what is it precisely?

Please watch the video for a first glimpse of our solution :


Do you want more details?

- Agrosymbiose is an APP specially designed for agricultural trades (agriculture, market gardening, livestock, vegetable gardens ...) available on Smartphone, Tablet and Computer.

- This APP will provide key data (soil and ambient humidity, soil and ambient temperature, soil PH, etc ...) on each of the crops that there are on the whole farm (s) agricultural and / or vegetable gardens. This is to enable farmers to better manage the crops (when, where, quantity) of their inputs and to check the status of each of their crops, both day and night, every single day of the week.

- Agrosymbiose will also provide them with recommendations, adapted to each crop and each farm, based on data collected in their fields, while respecting the confidentiality and anonymization of this data, as well as the GDPR legislation. These recommendations will also be based on public data, data from the Agrosymbiose farming community and other data from our partners (for example, weather data). Once again, with the aim of providing the best recommendations to farmers.

- Agrosymbiose is a non-wired network of sensors, probes, beacons and other connected objects that will be installed (by us) in the fields of partner farms, in order to deliver the most precise measurements possible to farmers. And as we are super committed to eco-responsibility, the vast majority of items used (if not all) will be made with recycled and / or recyclable materials, in France or in the EU and they will be replaced and recycled free of charge by us. when they break down and when they reach the end of their life.

- Agrosymbiose is also a team of advisers specialized in agriculture to support farmers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

- Finally, Agrosymbiose is a learning community of committed and united farmers with a distance training center, available online which will be enriched, in part, by the experience and know-how, that farmers in the community will wish to share with their colleagues and also with other specialized training that we will find and / or develop especially for our community.


And, what will be the benefits for the FARMERS, for us as INDIVIDUALS and for the PLANET :


For the FARMERS :


- A reduction in water consumption for irrigation estimated at around -20%

- A reduction in the consumption of fertilizers estimated at around -20%

- A reduction in the consumption of pesticides estimated at around -20%

- An increase in crop yield estimated at up to + 15%


- A saving of working time for the FARMER, variable according to the size, the number of crops and the number of cultivated fields (remote management possible with Agrosymbiose)

- Permanent support from colleagues and our team of agricultural advisers

- Improved profitability due to cost reductions and increased yields

- Increased attractivity of farming activities that could lead to a redevelopment of farming activities



- Healthier and tastier fruits, vegetables and products issued from the farms.

- More responsible products from the farms.

- Improved traceability of your fruits, veggies and other products from the farms.

- A larger choice of local ORGANIC produces

- Increased global agricultural production (estimated at +16%) to help feed the World.


For the PLANET:



- Biodiversity restored ( underground, on the ground, pollinating insects, birds and small rodents and many more)

- Contribution to climate change improvement

- Pollution reduction (in the air, in the ground and in the water) globally and even more with the development urban agriculture




AGROSYMBIOSE is committed, with its solution servicing farmers, to contribute, promote, protect and develop responsible agriculture.


How we will be using the money collected?

We have already invested in our project up to € 30,000 thanks to our savings. We have also taken steps to obtain grants and other public and private aid, because we need € 300,000, in total, in order to have not only the final solution, but also the necessary funds to finance the creation. Of our support service for farmers and the campaign to launch our solution on the market. 


This crowdfunding campaign, with a final objective of collecting 150 000 € will allow us to quickly develop a viable prototype (purchase of materials, manufacture of tools and digital development) and to test it with farmers in order to finalize its development, to make it available on the market.


More precisely, each of the levels will be used as follows:


1st Level - € 10,000

Make a first model of our solution and validate its operation. To do this, we need:

  • Buy the materials needed to make connected objects.
  • Buy licenses and subscriptions to gain access to the necessary platforms and computer libraries.
  • Hire a freelancer to help us finalize the technological development of these objects and the APP.


2nd Level - € 16,600

For this 1st model, build the IT solution that will make it possible to make recommendations to farmers and prepare the elements necessary to carry out a first test of this model. To do this, we need:

  • Manufacture sensors, probes, beacons and other connected objects in sufficient quantity to be able to carry out a 1st evaluation of our solution.
  • Hire freelancers to help us finalize the overall IT solution.


3rd Level - € 27,600

Evaluate the entire system with small urban farms in a town of = / > 10,000 inhabitants. To do this, we need:

  • Hire trainees from different backgrounds (technological, communications, agriculture, etc) to assist in installing our solution in the farms, collect the information measured by the various tools, analyze it and assess the overall functioning of our solution. And based on that evaluation, structure the databases, process the overall data, develop the APP 


If the methods proposed in the platform for your donation do not suit you or if you find technical issues when donating, you can donate:

- Making a wire by sending us an e_mail at cantonvilla.cavandco@gmail  and we will send you our account number.

- Donating through Paypal using the following link:


Thank you ALL for your support!!! You can follow us, as well as the progress of our project on our future social networks, the Linkedin page Agrosymbiose - Green IoT ecosystems, the Facebook page Agrosymbiose - Green IoT ecosystems for Agriculture and the Instagram account Agrosymbiose!


Pour 25 euros ou plus

Nos Anges Eco-Responsables de Bronze

Remerciements dans le tableau d'honneur + 1 Goodie Agrosymbiose


février 2021



Choisie 19 fois

Pour 50 euros ou plus

Nos Anges Eco-Responbles d'Argent

Remerciements dans le tableau d'honneur + 2 goodies Agrosymbiose


février 2021



Choisie 4 fois

Pour 75 euros ou plus

Nos Anges Eco-Responsables d'Or

Contreparties précédentes + une conférence sur l'agriculture responsable


février 2021



Choisie 6 fois

Pour 100 euros ou plus

Nos Parrains Eco-Responsables de Bronze

Contreparties précédentes + 1 atelier d'agriculture urbaine


février 2021



Choisie 5 fois

Pour 250 euros ou plus

Nos Parrains Eco-Responsables d'Argent

Contreparties précédentes + Panier de Fruits et Légumes BIO pour 2


février 2021



Choisie 4 fois

Pour 500 euros ou plus

Nos Parrains Eco-Responsables d'Or

Contreparties précédentes + 1 Panier de Fruits et Legumes Bio Familiale


février 2021



Choisie 1 fois

Pour 750 euros ou plus

Nos Parrains Partenaires Collaboratifs

Contreparties précédentes + A choisir entre, 1 visite à l'une de nos fermes partenaires OU la participation au développement du prototype via des interviews si vous êtes agriculteur ou maraîcher ou


février 2021



Pour 1 000 euros ou plus

Nos Partenaires Collaboratifs de Bronze

Contreparties précédentes + A choisir entre 1 visite à une ferme partenaire avec invitation à une table d'hôtes OU l'évaluation gratuite d'un kit du prototype sur 1 type de culture pendant 1 an

Quantité restante



février 2021



Choisie 1 fois

Pour 2 500 euros ou plus

Nos Partenaires Collaboratifs d'Argent

Contreparties précédentes + A choisir entre 1 Séjour d'un week-end pour 2 dans l'une de nos fermes partenaires OU l'évaluation gratuite de 2 kits du prototype sur 2 types de cultives pendant 1 an

Quantité restante



février 2021



Pour 5 000 euros ou plus

Nos Partenaires Collaboratifs d'Or

Contreparties précédentes + A choisir entre 1 Séjour pendant 1 week-end long (4-5 jours) une famille de 4 à 5 personnes dans l'une de nos fermes partenaires OU l'évaluation gratuite des kits du prototype sur 1000 m2 pendant 1 an

Quantité restante



février 2021



Pour 10 000 euros ou plus

Nos Partenaires Collaboratifs de Diamant

Contreparties précédentes + A choisir entre 1 Séjour d'Exception pendant 1 semaine pour une famille de 4 personnes dans l'une de nos fermes partenaires OU l'évaluation gratuite des kits du prototype sur un total de 5000 m2 sur 1/ plusieurs terrains / cultures pendant 1 an.

Quantité restante



février 2021



Don libre


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en fonction de la thématique, de sa localisation ou des contreparties.


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et ajustez si vous le souhaitez le montant de votre contribution.


Recevez vos produits

ou profitez des séjours et expériences que vous avez choisis.


Partagez votre expérience

sur les réseaux sociaux @miimosa_fr pour continuer de soutenir le projet et son porteur.


Prêt rémunéré


Yooji poursuit sa réinvention de l'alimentation infantile

Santé et bien-être


Emplois et territoires

388 945 € collectés

Objectif 700 000 €



Estillac, France